Intensive outpatient care, frequently known as ‘IOP’, is designed as a continuum of care for clients who have recently graduated from inpatient treatment but still require some form of daily therapeutic management. Some individuals may choose to participate in an IOP program without having undergone any prior treatment. This is an ideal option for those who have not yet begun to experience severe consequences as a result of their drinking and drug use, but want to take the necessary precautions before potential abuse develops into full-fledged chemical dependency. Essentially, intensive outpatient is a step down from partial hospitalization – clients will be required to attend similarly structured therapeutic sessions several times per week, though sessions will be significantly shorter and somewhat less in-depth. However, the same main focuses will be touched upon – relapse prevention, underlying causes of addiction, building and maintaining healthy relationships, the role of the family in substance dependency, a thorough introduction to the 12-step method of recovery, and the instillation of basic life skills and appropriate coping mechanisms.

Benefits of Intensive Outpatient Treatment

There are many benefits to intensive outpatient treatment. One of the primary benefits is the fact that those who are new to experiencing life without the use of drugs and alcohol will have the opportunity to sit down in a therapeutic community and discuss real world issues pertaining to sober living that may arise in day-to-day life. Most IOP programs will take up about 10-12 hours per week, allowing clients to participate in daily affairs such as work or school while still receiving some level of treatment at the beginning or end of the day (usually between 3-5 days per week).

Is Intensive Outpatient Right for Me?

One of the main components of every addiction-oriented intensive outpatient program is heavy involvement in a 12-step program of recovery. All clients will be urged to attend meetings on a regular basis, find a homegroup, get a sponsor, and work through the 12-steps alongside that sponsor until they are able to begin sponsoring others. The heavy emphasis on the 12-step program stems from the proven fact that it has served as the most effective and reliable form of aftercare since it was first developed in the early 1930s. IOP is ideal for anyone who is looking for slightly more personal freedom than PHP or inpatient would allow, but who is still seeking some form of therapeutic care and supportive advice. For more information on our IOP program of addiction recovery, please call today.